1.1. The non-profit Estonian Hemophilia Association (hereinafter the association) is a voluntary association operating in the public interest, founded on November 7, 1992, and is the legal successor of the Estonian Hemophilia Association registered in Tartu.
1.2. The name of the non-profit organization is Eesti Hemofiiliaühing (Estonian Haemophilia Society in English) and the location of the organization is the Republic of Estonia, Lepiku tee 19, Õssu küla, Ülenurme parish, Tartumaa.
1.3. The objectives of the association are:
1.3.1. To protect the human rights, civil rights, social and economic rights of hemophilia patients;
1.3.2. To be a cooperation and coordination body in Estonia for the promotion of policies for hemophiliacs and people with disabilities;
1.3.3. To represent and protect the interests of hemophiliacs in Europe and at international levels.
1.3.4. Promote the equalization of opportunities for all hemophiliacs and disabled people in accordance with the principle of non-discrimination in cooperation with state governing and power bodies, civil associations, business sector institutions and international organizations and representations;
1.3.5. Provide training, welfare and other social services and organize joint events for hemophilia patients (camps, seminars, conferences).
1.4. The financial year of the association begins on January 1 and ends on December 31.


2.1. A natural person who meets the requirements for members, wants to develop activities in line with the goals of the association, obliges to comply with the association's statutes and the decisions of the general meeting and the board may apply to become a member of the association.
2.2. A natural person applying to become a member of the association must be a person with a congenital blood coagulation disorder (hemophilia A, hemophilia B, von Willebrand's disease or a person diagnosed with another coagulation factor deficiency) and their family members.
2.3. Supporting members of the association can be natural persons whose main field of activity is related to hemophilia patients, disabled people, or who contribute financially or with other supporting activities to the achievement of the association's goals.
2.4. To become a member of the association, a person submits a written application to the board.
2.5. The board decides on admission to membership of the association within one month. If the board refuses to accept the applicant as a member, the applicant may demand that the general meeting decides on his acceptance as a member.
2.6. You can withdraw from the association only at the end of the financial year. To withdraw from the association, the member submits a written application to the board.
2.7. A member of the association may be expelled from the association by a decision of the board, if he:
2.7.1. Damages the association's name or reputation with its activities;
2.7.2. Has failed to fulfill the obligation arising from the articles of association or imposed on him by the association's bodies;
2.7.3. Has not participated in any of the association's general meetings or events organized by the association in the last two years
2.7.4. Uses their membership status to create unfair competition;
2.8. Expulsion of a member of the association is decided by the board. The member whose expulsion is being discussed has the right to participate in the board meeting and present his position on the matter.
2.9. A member expelled by the board has the right to demand a decision on the issue of expulsion at the general meeting of the association following the expulsion.
2.10. There is no entry fee to become a member of the association.


3.1. In addition to other rights stipulated in the law and the articles of association, the members of the association have the right to:
3.1.1. To participate in the general meeting with the right to vote;
3.1.2. To be elected to the board of the association;
3.1.3. To receive information about the activities of the association from the board of the association and other bodies;
3.1.4. Use the association's property in the prescribed manner and receive the benefits prescribed for the members.
3.2. A member of the association is obliged to:
3.2.1. to follow the association's statutes and good practices;
3.2.2. Participate in the activities of the association and fulfill the obligations assigned to it by the decisions of the general meeting or the board;
3.2.3. Pay the membership fee during the financial year;
3.2.4. Notify the board of the association of their place of residence and address and social security number, as well as unknown new data for keeping records of the members of the association, no later than 2 months after their change.
3.3. Supporting members of the association do not have any property rights or obligations towards the association as a result of being a member of the association. Supporting members do not have the right to vote at the association's general meeting, they can participate in the general meeting with the right to speak.


4.1. The highest body of the association is the general meeting of the association, where the member of the association has one vote.
4.2. The competence of the general meeting includes:
4.2.1. Amendment of the Articles of Association;
4.2.2. Changing the purpose;
4.2.3. Appointment and recall of members of the board and the chairman of the board;
4.2.4. Appointment and recall of members of the audit committee or the auditor;
4.2.5. Deciding to enter into a transaction with a member of the board or other body or to submit a claim against him and to appoint a representative of the association in this transaction or claim;
4.2.6. Deciding on the alienation and encumbrance of immovable property belonging to the association and movable property entered in the register and setting the conditions for the said transactions;
4.2.7. Deciding on other issues that are not assigned to the competence of other bodies by law or statute.
4.3. The board convenes the general meeting of the association at least once a year:
4.3.1. To approve the annual report;
4.3.2. In the event that at least 1/10 of the members of the association request it in writing and by stating the reason, or if it is requested by the audit committee;
4.3.3. In other cases, if the interests of the association require it;
4.4. The convening of the general meeting shall be notified in writing to each member at least fourteen days in advance.
4.5. The general meeting has decision-making power if at least half of the association's members participate or are represented. If the general meeting does not have a quorum, the board can convene it a second time with the same agenda. The general meeting convened for the second time is capable of making decisions regardless of the number of members of the association present.
4.6. The decision of the general meeting has been adopted if more than half of the members who participated in the meeting are in favor of it, and the law does not provide for the requirement of a larger majority.
4.7. ¾ is required to change the articles of association, and 9/10 of the association members' consent is required to change the purpose. The consent of the member who did not participate in the general meeting that decided on the change must be submitted in writing.
4.8. Voting is carried out by open or secret ballot.

5. chapter BOARD

5.1. The daily activities of the association are managed and the association is represented by the board, which includes three or five members.
5.1.1. All members of the board (except for the chairman of the board) are each elected in a separate vote from among the candidates.
5.1.2. One member must belong to the association's youth group and one member can be a hematologist dealing with bleeding diseases on a daily basis.
5.1.3. The chairman of the board is elected by the general meeting in a separate vote.
5.1.4. The chairman and members of the board may be paid a fee corresponding to their tasks and the financial situation of the association, the size and payment procedure of which is determined by the board. The chairman of the board has the right to demand reimbursement of the necessary expenses incurred for the performance of the tasks, agreed in advance with the board.
5.2. The board members are appointed by the general meeting for three years.
5.3. The board represents the association in all legal actions.
5.4. The chairman of the board acts on behalf of the association, representing the interests of the association in all state bodies, in relations with companies, organizations and citizens without a power of attorney, disposes of the association's property in accordance with the decisions of the general meeting and the board, reports on his activities at the general meeting. In order to carry out transactions carried out on behalf of the association, the amount of which exceeds 1300 euros, the chairman must receive prior approval at the general meeting.
5.5. The board has decision-making power if more than half of the members of the board participate in its meeting, and a majority of the members present is necessary to adopt the board's decision. The competence of the board includes, among other things:
5.5.1. Management of the association in the period between general meetings;
5.5.2. Keeping records of members of the association;
5.5.3. Preparation of the association's action plan and budget;
5.5.4. Organization of accounting for the financial year and preparation of the report;
5.5.5. Use and disposal of the company's property in accordance with the requirements arising from the law, this statute and the decision of the general meeting.


6.1. The association owns, uses and disposes independently of all property belonging to it.
6.2. A member of the association is not responsible for the obligations of the association.
6.3. The board provides each member of the association with a draft of the association's annual economic activity plan together with the previous financial year's report and balance sheet for perusal no later than 2 (two) weeks before the regular general meeting of members.
6.4. The assets of the association arise:
6.4.1. From specific allocations;
6.4.2. From the use of property belonging to the association and income from the association's activities;
6.4.3. About donations made by individuals;
6.4.4. From other receipts.
6.5. The administrative costs of the association may not exceed the rate justified by the nature of the activity and the statutory goals.
6.6. Incomes from the use of the association's property and other activities are not subject to distribution among the members of the association.

7. chapter MONITORING

7.1. The activities of the association are supervised by the general meeting. To fulfill this task, the general meeting elects an audit committee or an auditor, appoints an audit or an audit.


8.1. The merger, division and liquidation of the association shall be carried out in accordance with the law.
8.2. The company's liquidators are members of the board or persons appointed by the general meeting.
8.3. Upon liquidation of the association, after the creditors' claims have been satisfied, the remaining property is donated to an association or a public legal entity included in the list of non-profit associations and foundations with income tax benefits pursuing the same goals.

The articles of association were adopted at the general meeting of the Estonian Hemophilia Society on April 16, 2016.
The Estonian Hemophilia Society is registered in the registry department of the Tartu City Court.

President: Jo Kroll
Vice President: Martin Kaal
Member of the Board: Kaido Vaatemäe
Representative of the Youth Council: Annabel Kattai
Med. representative: Ines Vaide

In addition, the articles of association in pdf format

The Estonian Hemophilia Association follows the code of ethics of non-governmental organizations, which can be found at the link below:

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